Discussion Group June 7, 2024: Mexico’s Elections

The WACMB World Affairs Discussion Group will meet on Friday June 7th at 4:00 pm by Zoom. The discussion topic will be Mexico’s Elections, which take place this coming Sunday, June 2nd.

Mexico’s elections on June 2nd will choose a new president and an entirely new national Congress. Much attention will be focused on the choice of a new president, as Mexico’s constitution does not allow the popular incumbent president, López Obrador, to run again. Many argue that no other country has more impact on the daily lives of Americans than does our southern neighbor. Mexico is the United States’ largest trading partner and production partner. It is also the entry way for massive amounts of deadly, illegal drugs and large flows of migrants.

If you are interested and have never attended this Discussion Group, just send a request to discussiongroup@wacmb.org to receive log-in information and related study materials.

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