Discussion Group November 6, 2023: U.S.-China Relations: Handle with Care

Our third combined WACMB + OLLI world affairs discussion group meeting of the fall season will be held on Monday, November 6th at 5:00 PM PST via Zoom.

The discussion topic is U.S.-China Relations: Handle with Care, following on the October 25th WACMB luncheon presentation on this subject by Dr. David Michael Lampton of the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) Foreign Policy Institute.

For the past ten years, the United States and China have been locked in competition for who has the greatest global influence. As they enter what looks like a new Cold War of sorts, Dr. Lampton discussed: (i) how both nations arrived at today’s juncture in U.S.-China relations, (ii) how to think about the perils of that new, more conflictual circumstance, and (iii) what both sides need to do to put our two countries on a more promising trajectory, which will frame our discussion.

If you are interested and have never attended this Discussion Group, just send a request to discussiongroup@wacmb.org to receive log-in information and related study materials.

Come join the conversation!