Our second combined WACMB + OLLI world affairs discussion group meeting of the fall season will be held on Monday, October 2nd at 5:00 p.m. PDT via Zoom.
The discussion topic is Russia’s war on Ukraine – what way forward? following on the September 26th WACMB luncheon presentation by The Honorable William Taylor providing an update on this topic. He most recently visited Kyiv in July 2023.
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 continues to cause serious destruction on many levels as the world struggles to find a resolution that will settle the conflict. Is there a path to victory in Ukraine? What are the prospects for a negotiated peace and what are the obstacles?
If you are interested and have never attended this Discussion Group, just send a request to discussiongroup@wacmb.org to receive log-in information and related study materials.
Come join the conversation!